InspireOut is dedicated to providing a positive and safe experience for youth in the backcountry.  We seek to maximize preparation in hopes of minimizing risks. During this unprecedented time, we are taking extra care in planning adjustments to include pandemic sensitive guidance from state and local authorities. At this point, with the “safer at home”/ “shelter in place” orders ending on May 30th, we are planning to proceed with our programs beginning on June 14th. Please note that trekker families will be receiving, via email, an additional waiver to sign for trekkers to participate in program.

We are working on best-practices and will be attentive to social distancing, health monitoring, and sanitation. Research is showing that open air has the least risk for contracting the virus. This being said, the most risk in our programs will be in the transportation to the trailhead.

Transportation Adjustments:

We strongly encourage parents to transport their children both to and from trailheads for programs. We will provide detailed directions for how to get to trailheads. For trekkers who will need transportation provided by InspireOut, as a measure of safety, they must wear a mask at all times while in the van during transport. Additionally, we will be taking trekkers’ temperatures before loading into the van.

Gear Distribution:

All trekkers must bring a face mask for program. Upon arriving at the trailhead, we will be doing gear distribution. This includes communal gear (tents, stoves, kitchenware, and food). All kitchenware will be used by InspireOut staff during programs and sterilized before given to trekkers to carry. Trekkers will be receiving their own snack bag that includes individually packaged snacks, bars, fruit, and goodies to eat outside of the group meals. Group meals will be served into their own bowls and cleaned up by camper as usual with Leave No Trace ethics and principles. No participants should have to touch the bowls & spoons of other trekkers. We plan to source extra Purell, sanitation wipes, and biodegradable hand soap to ensure proper sanitation.

Sleep Setup:

Traditionally we have used large tents for multiple trekkers to sleep in. However, we would like to maintain the 6 foot social distancing norm during sleeping and will instead be providing extra tents to ensure this is possible. Each trekker will be provided her/his own tent for sleeping. Trekkers may bring their own tents, with prior approval from InspireOut. Contact us to discuss more. We also encourage trekkers to sleep outside under the stars, or in a hammock.

Cancel if ANY symptoms arise:

Lastly, we want this experience to be positive and are mindful that each of us take extra precautions. If you have had any of the following symptoms, have been near or with anyone who have had these symptoms, we ask you to please cancel your registration.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

We will give you a full refund and are appreciative that you are taking everyone’s health and wellness into consideration. During this time it is important to look after each other and know that the trails will always be there and we plan to continue to provide memorable and enriching experiences for your loved ones for years to come. 

Yours in Adventure,

Melissa & Justin Smith

Categories: Journal


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